We thrive in making finest CBD products that enrich the body &soul.

Morning Glory 600mg 30ml CBD oil infused with terpenes
Morning Glory 200mg 10ml CBD Oil Infused With Terpenes

Night Delight 600mg 30ml CBD Oil Infused With Terpenes
Night Delight 200mg 10ml CBD Oil Infused With Terpenes

Custom Oils
We offer a services to produce custom blends for our customers to treat specific needs. While our general range will be right for most people we realize that not everyone is that same and when dealing with a natural product we may need to refine recipes for certain conditions and people.
We also offer white label options with unique recipes for retailers
Consulting Services
Green Leaf Consulting is our sister company that focuses on helping the home grower . We offer services on equipment , pest control and growing solutions. From setting up the ultimate home grow to helping with the basics , we are here to help